Ghosts of CHAN

7 minutes, 2018, immersive/VR documentary
Published in
The Stanford Daily
Writer and director

Olivia Popp, the director of the Stanford Asian American Theater Project's production of Charles Francis Chan Jr.’s Exotic Oriental Murder Mystery (also known as “Chan”), joins collaborators in reflecting upon the experience. With footage of the set load-in and tear-down process, this short VR film features voices of actors and creative team members involved in this two-and-a-half-hour subversive, metatheatrical production by Lloyd Suh about the birth of Asian America in 1960s Berkeley.

For an optimal viewing experience, watch this 360° video on a virtual reality headset such as Google Cardboard with headphones or Oculus Rift. If viewing on a computer, drag your mouse around the video to rotate the 360° video. If viewing on a mobile device, launch the video in the YouTube app in order to activate the device’s rotational sensors.


360 Miles in 360 Degrees (VR)


A Single Moment